Sunday 29 September 2013

P!nk Video

Expectations in a P!nk Video:

Most of the songs she sings are about her life and the way she deals with certain aspects of it such as relationships, family and personal feelings; this has led her to have many successful tracks as people can relate to her songs very easily, her target audience being teenagers to middle age women.
She constantly changes her hairstyle; this keeps people looking at her as they are waiting to see what comes next from her, this also keeps her being an interesting artist.
As Pink touches on quite sensitive subjects, she uses real emotion in her videos, this leads them to be quite aggressive and fast paced, they usually show her to have a large sense of rebellion and isn’t one to listen to what other people tell her.
I would expect her to have quite flashy cars in her video as she is very wealthy and also have money and alcohol in her videos; this is because she has quite a rock style attitude.
Expectations of a rock video:

Murky environment





Performance – full band

No storyline

Live video

Wear what they want

More realistic

Rebellious – smash stuff up

Faster editing

Harsher cuts
Expectations of a pop video:

Pretty people

Fast cards

Light colours
Nice environments

Performance - just vocals
Storyline following song

Expensive clothes
High budget video

Slow, smooth editing.
In this shot, you are given a mid-shot of Pink, this allows you to instantly see what she looks like, it tracks through a few pretty girls playing volleyball, this shows the contrast between those girls and Pink.
The costume here allows Pink to give off a very good impression of what she is like, she is seen as a 'Rebellious' character as she has wrote 'Me' on the top where your name is meant to be, it also shows her as a bit of a cocky character. The name of the school is 'Moore Highschool', this is a good representation of how she is depicted as powerful as Moore is her last name, giving off the sense that she owns the school.

This shot has used a mirror as a prop, you see her battling her own emotions as they have her doing different things in the mirror then her on the outside, this is effective at showing how girls are constantly checking how they look and are always having to battle their own insecurities.
In this shot you have a producer telling Pink they she has to change everything to be able to suceed, this touches on how music shouldnt be about what people look like, it should be about their talent to create music, it also shows how producers only really look at what you look like or they want to change you to create more sales. 

 This over shoulder shot is uses a magazine to show how girls constantly compare themselves to girls in magazines and are constantly shown how the media think girls 'should' look.

The use of the knife in this mid-shot allows you to see she is showing a strong relation to self harm, this is a touchy subject and also links with such things as depression, all things a young girl may go through in their lives.

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