Tuesday 17 September 2013

Choosing Our Track + Deconstruction

The first stage of planning for our main task was to choose the song that we would use to create our music promo for; this song would need to be a track from any unsigned band to ensure we do not infringe any copyright on signed tracks also cutting the need to request copyright permission on a track which could potentially waste a lot of time waiting for a reply.

For the genre we chose 'Hardcore Punk' because we all enjoy this style of music so we would not get aggravated with listening to it over and over again whilst editing and fine tweaking the video to the track. Due to the fact that all three members of our group are currently doing a course in music we have decided to use a track we composed and recorded called 'Broken Knees', we also chose to do this because when researching on 'Unsigned.com' we really didnt find anything that we wanted to use for our video that was of the Hardcore genre. We all that because we have written the song, this will give us a very strong advantage as we will be able to get lip and instrument syncing much more accurate when filming as the genuine performers will be playing the track.

About the band:
The band is called 'Two Hundred Kings', they formed in the summer of 2012 because of their love for the genre of music and they they wanted to bring head bopping, feet stomping melodic hardcore to the local community.

The band have wanted to do a video for their single for a long time as they feel it will go really well along side the release of the track and will help to give a professional feel about the band.

Here is a link to the recording we have created of our chosen track which we will make our music video for, I have also deconstructed the track and added comments as to what editing will go alongside it ect. (Click one of the comments on the track to open it up in Soundcloud, there you can hover over the comments to read them fully.)

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