Thursday, 7 November 2013

Filming Issues

When we were out filming on Monday we filmed the production on an ISO Setting of 3200, this meant that we were able to keep the lights fairly low, when viewing the clips we had taken on the camera’s screen it looked extremely effective and very professional, however when uploading it into our editing software and viewing it on a larger screen the footage was very grainy/noisy and looked awful, we tried to place our footage into Adobe After Effects and remove the noise in the clips, however this took hours to render a 3 minute clip so was very unrealistic to do and it also still didn’t give us the crisp, effective looking footage we were after.

We then decided to contact the farmer and ask if we could possibly have another day in the barn to re-film our video, he was very understanding and allowed us to do this.
Because we had researched as to why we had grainy footage, we knew we had to increase the intensity of the lights and have the ISO below 1000, we set it on 800 as this gave us the clearest picture, we were also able to re-film it very fast and very effectively, we also decided to take the Macbook Pro with us and then we were able to do tester shots whilst we were setting up and then put them onto the editing software and watch it through to make sure it looks as professional as we had hoped.

Becuase we filmed the narrative on Monday in the woods, all that footage was clear and looks effectise so we decided to not film the fireworks/bonfire night in Thurlby on Tuesday, we felt we had enough narrative to fill our video, we also felt it would be very hard to capture what we wanted because we knew it would be very dark and would find it hard to light our shots sufficiently enough to see what we wanted.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Idea Influence

When filming again for our music video it allowed is to have a bit more time to think about even more effective ways of producing the shots of which we filmed on our first shoot, one of them being in the piano section in the middle of the song, we were originally just going to have the singer lit up whilst the other members of the band were not, we have stuck with this idea but felt we needed something a bit more to add to the detail, I had watched a video of a past student who used an effect that allowed them to clone a clip and have two going at the same time.

We thought a lot about how this could work and have come up with the idea of having the main character from the narrative sat looking at the memories we has through pictures ect and have the vocalist which be the same person shouting at him, we feel this will give a really dramatic effect to not only the video, but the lyrics aswell, we also feel it will make our video stand out.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Narrative Change - Storyboard

Above is a picture of our new narrative, we felt we wanted to change the narrative as it wasn't going to be as effective as we had first thought, we have decided to write up a new storyboard just for our narrative as then we can go off this for the day we film this part, the drawings are very simple but we have also wrote the shot type and movement below it so we can see it and produce what we want very easily.


Below is our storyboard for our production, this includes both the performance and the narrative, we found that it took up a lot of shots if we wanted everything in that we have planned, this storyboard will give us a very strong base to work from when filming as it allows us to see our plans clearly and quickly, I have also make it act as a shot list by writing what the shot will be and if there is any movement in the shot.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Media Timings

9:00 – Get to the location and start to unpack the equipment as fast and efficiently as possible.

10:00  - Start filming, start by doing drum close ups.

10:30 – Start on bass close ups, this will include drums and possibly guitar in the background.

11:00 – Start on Guitar close ups, this will include drums and possibly bass in the background.

11:30 – Start full band shots, this will have everyone in.

12:30/13:00 – Once packed all the barn equipment away we must now start on the narrative, shots in the fields and the woods.

17:00 – We should be finished by this time if all times are met and stayed to.