- Material Link
- 60’s/50’s film style
- Icon of beauty
- Expensive look/ extravagance
Boys/American Cop Dramas:
- Spoof of the tv shows
- Big bold titles
- Narrative around what would happen in the shows
Williams/The Joker/Kiss:
- Make up
- Costumes
- Contrasting pop and rock, bit of a parody
- Mise-en-scene is very similar
- Helped lose boy band imagine from Take That
- Critical parody, showing what is wrong with the news
- Editing speeds up with the song in verse ect.
- Shots you would see on the news.
- References to popular culture and video games
- Criticising how Americans’ have perceived there lives
- Mocking American culture
- Trying to be as controversial as possible
- Batman as black guy
- Costume
- Setting
- Make-up
- Controversial, ‘arty’ – intellectual
- Lyrical links
- Kitchen sink drama, about a guy who works at the funeral
- Oasis parodied it
- Props are the same
- Style of the other video
- Linking to the idea of class, represent the band